Do you remember your favorite Christmas gift from each year? Looking back, it’s hard for me to think of all my favorite gifts. Something I so very much wanted at the time but has since been long gone, misplaced, donated, or thrown out. While gifts are special at the moment, it is always wonderful to give a gift that will last the lifetime of the recipient. Watching them open it, the expression on their face, then hearing all about it later = a really good and thoughtful gift.
As we are now neck-deep in Holiday commercials, Black Friday ‘month’, endless special offers emails and texts….well, it gets overwhelming. And with the economy the way it is, we all need to be more intentional with how and where we spend our money. We want it to mean something. To be important. To have value. This is why giving the gift of travel is so very perfect this year!

I know what you’re probably thinking – something like “yeah OK you are a Travel Advisor, of course you want people to gift travel!“…and there is absolute truth in that! But not solely from my business’ perspective 😉 I truly believe that travel is the best gift you can give someone this holiday season. And here’s why:Â
The Best Gifts are not Always Physical Gifts
Not to say that some physical gifts aren’t awesome, but imagine the excitement opening a gift that contains a “Let’s GO!” certificate! That is one gift that will be treasured, not just the day they open it, but it gives them something to look forward to, and something to experience, which far outlasts the momentary excitement of opening a physical item.
The Gift of Travel is Perfect for Minimalists
With people always wanting to downsize or clear out clutter, why add to that? Another thing to dust. Another thing to wash. A gift of travel is something that takes up no space but makes an everlasting impact!
Memories are Priceless
Memories are the most personal gift you can give someone. It is THEIRS. It adds to their story. It enhances their life. While photos can capture a moment in time, memories last for a lifetime. They’ll remember the smell of that café, the taste of that gelato, the feeling of being on top of the slope looking down, the calmness of the warm Caribbean sea. Those cannot be captured in a photo. But they will live with them forever!
Experiences Last a Lifetime
No great story starts with “once I got this <item>…” The best stories have a location, destination, and/or experience involved. Everyone has a bucket list. And everyone’s list is different. Travel is so personal, which really makes it special when received as a gift. It shows you care very much for them to allow them to have a great new experience!
The Best Gift for One’s Health
One thing almost everyone is guilty of is not taking time for themselves. ‘I so very much want to go to X but will plan that when it’s convenient’ or ‘when I’m not as busy’. I’m here to tell you that there never really is that perfect time or convenience. For anything. But especially travel. If these last 2+ years haven’t proven that life is short, you can’t control everything, and that waiting for something to change or get better, well, it is not guaranteed. So plan that trip. Whether it’s to a little cabin in the woods a few hours’ drive from your home, or a beach house for a week along the coast, or Paris, or London, or that amazing cruise to Antarctica, or see the Northern Lights in Iceland…Next year, you will look back being thankful you went instead of having the regret that you didn’t. Taking time to enjoy a new place, culture, experience with those you love is always so good for your mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Just. Do. It.!!
There are 2 great ways to give the gift of travel. One is to actually book the trip ahead of time and surprise the recipient(s) with it as the gift. Such as…we’re going to Disney for Spring Break! If this is the way you want to go, I can help you create the perfect ‘gift’ for them to unwrap, unveiling this awesome vacation you planned!
The second is to give a travel voucher. I can also help you create this. It can be for a set destination, or set time, a set amount, or it can be general. This allows the recipient(s) to choose where they want to go, and possibly when. Also, this does not require any upfront cost to you, at this moment. I will process payment once the trip has been decided on. You can give a set amount, and if the recipient chooses to upgrade their experience, the additional cost will be theirs. Or I can keep you in the loop as far as expense, and decide how it will be handled at the time of booking.
I would love to help you give the gift of travel to your favorite people this holiday season! Make this year one year they will definitely remember what they got as the best gift!!! Contact Me today to get started. Christmas is coming soon!! ⇓